Musician and co-founder of Remake Music LLC and MAP Family Learning Center will perform this Sunday. See for more details.

More about Devin

You can read about Devin on his bio page as well as on our team page.

What will be performed?

Devin will be performing a set of Holiday tunes as well as a suite of winter music arranged by guitarist Licanfeng. The arrangements are of Japanese folk tunes. The arrangements are delightful and can be purchased from Gendai Guitar. Devin will also be performing a duo with Music Blocks visual programming language.

Devin’s students will also be performing different music, centered around the Holidays and the winter season. We hope you are able to attend this event, which is the second in our series to promote the Music+Code Video Crowdfunding Campaign.

Published by Devin Ulibarri

Devin Ulibarri is a versatile musician with a diverse portfolio. He has compositions published in Conceptions Southwest magazine, a range of teaching experience—from preschool to college-level—and has performed with artists such as Silk Road Ensemble with Yo-Yo Ma. Most recently, Devin teaches as faculty for the Preparatory and Continuing Education schools at New England Conservatory and is co-creator of Music Blocks, a software libre tool for exploring music's fundamental concepts. Music Blocks software is currently being considered for Japan's national coding curriculum in 2020. Music Blocks development for 2020 is being done in partnership with Gakken, a major Japanese publishing company with funding from Japan's Ministry of Economics Trade and Industry.

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