The promised gift of USB’s with Music Blocks preloaded have been ordered, received, and delivered to everyone who has contributed to our campaign. The Music+Code curriculum video campaign is an opportunity to contribute to the development of a fun, new way for kids to explore computation through art and music.

What do the Music Blocks USB’s have?

  • The software for Music Blocks visual programming.
  • Shortcut Links to the Online Version of Music Blocks, Documentation, and more.
  • 500+ MB total storage space.
  • MAP Family Learning Center Logo, created by Chie Yasuda, Artist.

When you plug your USB into a computer, you will see the following (primary) contents.

Contents of Music Blocks USB's
Contents of Music Blocks USB’s

The storage is pretty significant. I began filling one of the USB’s with my own media from classes and there is still plenty of room on the USB drive.

Music Blocks USB's Storage
Music Blocks USB’s Storage

Personal Letter from your Remake Music team, signed by Devin Ulibarri

I took some time to write a personal message to all the wonderful contributors, sent it to our team for review, and signed the letter before sending it off with the USB’s.

Devin Ulibarri signing Letters to Contributors
Devin Ulibarri signing Letters to Contributors

Thank you!

Big thanks to everyone who has contributed thus far. We hope to make you proud by developing a curriculum that students love, teachers find fulfilling, and parents enjoy.

Still Time to Contribute!

Contribute to Music+Code Video Curriculum Campaign

Contribute at Supporter Tier or Higher to Receive a Music Blocks USB Gift in our next Batch!

Published by Devin Ulibarri

Devin Ulibarri is a versatile musician with a diverse portfolio. He has compositions published in Conceptions Southwest magazine, a range of teaching experience—from preschool to college-level—and has performed with artists such as Silk Road Ensemble with Yo-Yo Ma. Most recently, Devin teaches as faculty for the Preparatory and Continuing Education schools at New England Conservatory and is co-creator of Music Blocks, a software libre tool for exploring music's fundamental concepts. Music Blocks software is currently being considered for Japan's national coding curriculum in 2020. Music Blocks development for 2020 is being done in partnership with Gakken, a major Japanese publishing company with funding from Japan's Ministry of Economics Trade and Industry.

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